Today's Figaro's business section had a full page with the lead-off article by Francois Simon and Mathilde Visseyrias, devoted to the Crisis in Restaurants.
Today at lunch, I was complimenting Eric Jolibois at Clocher Periere for holding down his prices (menu at 30 E, reasonable wines) while serving first rate food such a a full lobe of foie gras, colvert, ombre chevalier, etc. He said it's tough, but with customers (and his are all business folk with suits and ties and he was turning away folks who hadn't reserved) feeling the pinch of buying power, he had to provide good food at a decent value.
Well, Simon and Visseyrias confirm this. The last 6 months, compared to last year, 25% more of restos, 19% of fast food places, 56% of cafes and 45% of traiteurs have gone belly up. Folks are coming in for one dish and skipping coffee for one made from the machine back at the office.
The topper, the famed Bobose at the Quincy near the Gare de Lyon says how can he manage if folks don't order all the courses.
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