3.0 Titalina, 73, rue Duhesme in the 18th, is a place I’ve passed time out of mind since it opened in January but today on the way to lunch, for some reason it caught my eye; I went over; scoped the ardoise and developed an appetite over the next 9 hours.
The sign says Cap Vert – Portuguese; so after lunch I ran back and Googled Cape Verde food and got fish and Brazilian type stuff. OK.
[Backstory: while not a sensible neighborhood, we have our fair share of Antilles/African/etc. places and my buddy Paga and I have been known to indulge ourselves at a place that thankfully closed, in N’Dole and spicy chicken wings, a variety of wings that the Anchor Bar in Buffalo, a block from where my father and I practiced sorcery, never knew.]
In any case, I drifted down there and took my obligatory pix and installed myself (all alone for the night). They had no fish, no fish?, isn’t this what your country is known for?, but only one chicken and one lamb dish. I asked what was typical Cape Verde food; the lamb! Hum!
Expecting nothing better than what I had in the frigo - cold chicken and beans in garlic, I commenced.
The cook-type guy ambled up; like some hot sauce?; you know, I almost brought over some harissa or Tabasco in case, but didn’t. Sure.
Well, it was delicious, better than any lamb stew I could make and I’m ashamed to admit it: but (1) it was gutsier than my lunch at yam’Tcha which left me with a trou, (2) the rice and potatoes (halved) – albeit super carbos - Dr Sears, sorry – were terrific, and (3) the “sauce,” which thinking I had a French palate, they warned me off, was perfect.
My bill (wine no bottled water or coffee) was 18 €; take that Tim Geithner!
Go? For the world, nah! But tomorrow they insist they’ll have fish.
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