Since Joe Nocera has set the standard today with a piece of snippets, I figure I'll follow. But Joe, what'der-we-gonna do without you?
The cherished program of the French and M. Delanoye is revealed to have problems: 80% of velibs are stolen, broken or wind up in strange places.
The TVA reduction to 5.5% applied to restos has been heralded as a success but listen to this: "Dans le secteur, le «black» ne reste pas intégralement dans la poche du patron." So we the customers may not benefit after all.
Why do I crave carbos after trans-Atlantic flights and it's always croissants in the AM in Paris and pasta at night in the US?
Le Figaro flunks math, after two 1st places, next one is #3. Anyway Stanford's slogan is 'The Harvard of the West" so, so much for this ranking:
At Berkeley, we were always number 2, so we tried harder.
Posted by: John Whiting | October 31, 2009 at 07:49 PM