6.6 Le Bouclier de Bacchus, 18, rue Saint-Lazare in the 9th, (Metro: ND de Lorette) is a place my Chinese-American friend who lives nearby and insists on eating at nearby places, found, and since her name is but one consonant shy of the Haavaad/Knicks phenom, I suggested she get her name changed to be more recognizable. The place advertises itself as - Caviste (A Table Ou A Emporter Votre Bouteille Reste Toujours Au Meme Prix), Tables D'Hotes, Rugbyman & Independant - now how can you not love a joint that says that?
I was taking a pix of the carte outside when my almost famous friend pulled up and we both loved the carte. We entered and regarded the bar and chalkboard around it but
the wait lady arrived and said she was the carte and rattled off the choices.
She chose the terrine with foie gras, which, contrasted with others I have known, was not overpowered by the foie gras but gutsy and full of oomph; and my three charcuteries - a spicy chorizo, spicy sausage and andouillette 5A (of course), contrasted with others I have known in wine bars/etc. - were on another level - we asked where they were from, "nearby maybe?" Nope, out of town. Damn!
We both had delicious chicken dishes but very different preparations; hers in Grandma's style (not hers nor mine but somebody's); while I had what was called a fricassee but should have been subtitled heavenly and spicy - it was 5 Wows!
We both ended with a cold Grand Marnier souffle, again quite special.
Our bill, with a bottle of 12.80 E Ajaccio (they meant what they said about the prices), no bottled water, decent bread and two coffees was 60 E.
Go? I cannot wait to bring Colette back in a couple of weeks.
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