The Taste of Thai in Ithaca NY came highly recommended and justly so; it was wonderful. Our wait-guy, who works at a wine store, advised Colette on a great Seneca Lakes wine (me as a male would never ask advice) and we started off with salads with wonderful ginger dressings.
Colette ordered a Chicken satay over the Pad Thai (bad decision) and I had had a Shrimp Ginger Delight that was terrific.
Our bill was $65 without bottled water, coffee or dessert - but hold on!!!!!!
So, Colette grew up in Ithaca and raved about the Purity Ice cream parlor and today the caramel beurre sale was every bit as good as she remembered and I thought was terrific.
Tonight we ate at the Glass Magnolia B&B where the male owner was a chef in Orange County and we had mozzarella and tomatoes, salmon, chicken and marble cake.
I have no idea what the cost was since Colette picked up the bill.
I'd recommend you swing over to Seneca and have a meal at Stone Cat Cafe or Dano's, both serving fresh and tasty food.
Posted by: Like Living There | July 03, 2015 at 04:57 PM
Colette already reserved at Stone Cat for tonight.
Posted by: John Talbott | July 03, 2015 at 08:39 PM