Periodically (usually because someone breaches what I think are obvious rules of civility and gentility and honesty about restaurant reviewing) I publish mine which include:
That fact that I do or try to:
- Publish reviews of all meals I have had since 2006, in France, Europe and from time to time in America (with whose food and portions I'm still struggling)
- Give them ratings from minus 0 to 10
- Provide the cost of each meal, usually for a couple with a bottle of reasonably-priced wine, no bottled water but 2 coffees
- Photograph every bottle of wine so those so preoccupied with such will be able to better assess them
I do not:
- Suppress reporting bad ratings or bad meals because my readership depends on my honesty and I'm not writing for advertisers
- Accept comps (on my first meal) although on subsequent meals, if offered an extra coffee, dessert of digestif, I do (while noting it in my blog) cuz my rating has already been published.
- Accept any advertising or outside support excepting the University of Maryland (my academic base), Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott/Williams & Wilkins, Stratton and the APPI Press (my publishers) and TIAA-CREF and Childs (my pension-providers).
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