Tuesday in Le Fooding, they reviewed the previously mentioned restaurant in the Hotel des Grands Boulevards.
Wednesday the 10th, in the Figaroscope, Emmanuel Rubin reviewed 5 new restaurants giving 3 hearts to “l’avant garde Mexicaine” Oxte in the 17th. He also gave 2 hearts to Maison Maison, face au 16 quai du Louvre in the 1st,, closed Sunday dinner and Mondays (Metro: Pont Neuf) where for about 30 E one can have items such as white bean soup, cod and poached pears. Garnering 1 heart only were: the LA/California Echo in the 2nd; Sarra in the 2nd and the Italian Ricette in the 5th. Rubin’s Hache menu featured L’Ecluse in the 8th, where he prefers the theater to the food.
The Dossier by Alice Bosio and Colette Monsat rated babas au rhum, deeming those at the Pain du Sucre in the 3rd, best.
Also on Wednesday, Heidi Ellison in her Paris Update liked the previously mentioned Coup d’oeil in the 11th.
Thursday in L’Express Styles, Francois Regis Gaudry reviewed the well-known Holybelly in the 10th and Charles Patin O’Coohoon covered the Fontaine de Belleville also in the 10th as well as Origins 14, 49 ave Jean-Moulin in the 14th,, closed weekends and Monday lunch, which has on its 37 E menu-carte items such as biche, poitrine de porc and rice pudding.
Sunday in the jdd, Aurelie Chaigneau reviewed three places already mentioned here – Le Mermoz (8/10) in the 8th, 21 G Dumpling (7.5) in the 11th and Vava (8) in the 18th; while ED in the version femina featured the already mentioned Vins des Pyrenees, Westin Paris-Vendome's patio open in winter at 3, rue de Castiglione serving formulas from 39 E up, and what they call, neo-classiques - Buffet, Le Cadoret and l’Oseille in the 2nd., 3, rue St-Augustin,, lunch formulas from 23-29 and dinners at 36-43E featuring items such as chicken liver terrines, beef daube and ile flottantes.
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