Pre: A week ago we ate at Bouillon Rocheuart 47 with good judges of food and they mentioned its former chef there and his wife (Marc Favier and Aurélie Alary) had moved on, never letting on that they knew where. Sometime later they sent me a note saying in essence "Get over to Marcore, it's good." Never one to turn down good advice, we went.
7.9 Marcore, 1, rue des Panoramas in the 2nd, (Metro: Bourse) closed weekends is in the midst of unfolding 3 spaces: a restaurant, bar and traiteur; all spanking new and quite glorious as befits the area.
We were warmly greeted (both the chef and his wife having been warned by our friends that we'd show up) and treated to slices of their superb bread with a cream of ? anchovies and almost raw beef picana (sirloin cap). Then Colette and our two around-the-world friends had the 36 E (for 3 courses, 28 E for 2) had a superdooper salad of mache on vinegared pureed beets and mackerel and I had a slice of extremely interesting and delicious terrine of foie gras with a tart jelly, not your usual slice at all.
Colette and JJ had a terrific chunk of merlu with carrots, pureed squash and lots of herbs with horseradish mustard; R. had the poitrine of veal with spring veggies; and I had divine morilles in a cream sauce with an egg (really, really, special).
For dessert, three of us shared in the fine floating island with a golden cookie.
Our bill with 2 bottles of wine, one while from the Rhone and one red from Paris - you read that right - a Turbigo, 3 coffees and an infusion, was 222 or 110E a couple. dB's 64.5
Go back? For sure.
I've always heard about a vineyard in Paris. So neat that you can purchase it at a restaurant in Paris. Cinsault? Not my favorite grape, but I guess conditions dictate the variety. Cheers!
Posted by: Mark H. | April 10, 2019 at 03:27 PM
Just to be clear, while there are 20 or so small vineyards in Paris and one big one (Montmartre), the grapes in Turbigo were grown in the Rhone although the wine was made in Paris.
Posted by: John Talbott | April 10, 2019 at 05:44 PM